Monday, December 5, 2011

Literature Response Unit

Week #1. What is fiction? What is the message of the poem? Ho does the author convey his message?

Vocabulary: fiction, literature, quote, interpret, patience, fortitude, character traits, convey, symbolism, repetition, stanza, synonym.

Quotes: "Literature is the question minus the answer."
            "Fiction is the truth inside a lie."

Readings: Aesop "The Tortoise and the Hare"
           Berton Braley "A Little further"
           Salman Javid "The Journey"
           Rudyard Kipling "If"

Homework: find either a definition or a quote on fiction and/or literature.  Explain how the poet conveys the message that people are adventurous and curious.

Weeks 2-4. What is (plot, characterization, setting, protagonist)?

Vocabulary: drama, play, characters, dialogue, action, pity, language, deaf, mute.

Quotes: "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved"

"Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world." 

Readings:  Miracle Worker, a play by William Gibson
The Story of My Life, an autobiography of Helen Keller
Week 5. - What is a theme?

Vocabulary: theme, controlling idea, unifying message

Readings: Miracle Worker, a play by William Gibson
The Story of My Life, an autobiography of Helen Keller

1 comment:

narrative essays said...

In fact, speaking about the problem of advice and analyzing the reason why people ask it and whether they know the answer for their question beforehand, it is necessary to point out that this question is highly subjective and extremely personalized. Nonetheless, in my opinion it is still the individual that takes the decision and people do ask for advice even though they already know the answer.
narrative essays