Monday, December 5, 2011

Literature Response Unit

Week #1. What is fiction? What is the message of the poem? Ho does the author convey his message?

Vocabulary: fiction, literature, quote, interpret, patience, fortitude, character traits, convey, symbolism, repetition, stanza, synonym.

Quotes: "Literature is the question minus the answer."
            "Fiction is the truth inside a lie."

Readings: Aesop "The Tortoise and the Hare"
           Berton Braley "A Little further"
           Salman Javid "The Journey"
           Rudyard Kipling "If"

Homework: find either a definition or a quote on fiction and/or literature.  Explain how the poet conveys the message that people are adventurous and curious.

Weeks 2-4. What is (plot, characterization, setting, protagonist)?

Vocabulary: drama, play, characters, dialogue, action, pity, language, deaf, mute.

Quotes: "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved"

"Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world." 

Readings:  Miracle Worker, a play by William Gibson
The Story of My Life, an autobiography of Helen Keller
Week 5. - What is a theme?

Vocabulary: theme, controlling idea, unifying message

Readings: Miracle Worker, a play by William Gibson
The Story of My Life, an autobiography of Helen Keller

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Expository Essay Unit

Expository Speech Sample
In preparation for your speech you can use the following suggestions (from
1. Expository speeches are speeches that inform audiences about an idea or a process.  You would help your audience to either understand the process or actually perform the process.

2. The second category of expository speeches encompass those that discuss a past or current events. In this type of speech, you would offer audience members a clear idea of the main circumstances that occurred during the event you are speaking about.

3. The final category of speech topics is the definition speech topic. This speech could be about anything that is either tangible, alive or visible.

With any of these categories, you must decide how to organize the details of your speech. For some of the categories, a chronological order might work best. For others, you may need to work through the details in emotional order. Still, with other expository speech topics, choosing to show the details in terms of a spatial order might be your perfect option.

Post your work online using Googledocs. 

Expository Essay Topics.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Persuasive Essay Topics

  • Do Video games promote violence among children?
  • Why should cell phones be allowed / not allowed in schools?
  • Should the results of exam be used to label students as intelligent, average and below average?
  • Should animals be kept in Zoos?
  • Should children be sent to boarding schools?
  • Should uniforms be made compulsory in schools?
  • Is it all right to hold parents responsible for the actions of their children?
  • Single parenting – Is it good or bad for children?
  • Recycling : How will it help our future?
  • Is education important?
  • Isn't Health Insurance the Right of all Americans?
  • Nuclear Proliferation: Will Development of Nuclear Weapons Fuel a Third World War?
  • Is Death Penalty Inhuman?
  • Euthanasia: The Right to Die?
  • Some Thoughts About Human Cloning.
  • Pros and Cons of Adoption.
  • The Grim Reality of Climate Change.
  • Use of Mobile Phones in Schools.
  • Should an Extra Language be Made Mandatory in Schools
  • Are Websites like Facebook or MySpace Substituting Face-to-Face Social Interaction
  • Homework Should be Banned
  • Television is a Bad Influence
  • Pros and Cons of Coeducation Schools
  • Importance of Finding a Career
  • Is There a More Effective Punishment than Grounding
  • Should Schools Make Uniforms Compulsory?
  • The Cons and Cons of Junk Food. ('Cons' repeated twice for effect.)
  • Sex Education in Schools
  • Teen Pregnancy
  • Best TV Shows for High School Students.
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Revision Checklist 
Fact vs. Opinion