Vocabulary - mean, industry, broom, violent, provocation, orneriness, prevention, intend, feign, hurl threaten
1. Who are the characters?
2. How does the author describe them?
3. Where does the story take place? (setting)
4. Why are the kids "being mean"?
5. Why did the Sotos want to fight the new kids?
6. What is ironic in the kids' decision to burn down the house?
7. What are the similarities and differences between Gary's and the Molinas' mothers?
Chapter 2 "Father"
Vocabulary - alley, garden, lawn, rake, stiff, conspicuous, bow, eulogy, casket, bury.
1. Describe the father.
2. Why is the author paying so much attention to the garden scene?
3. Who scares the boy the most?
4. Why can't Gary hear "the things in [his] heart'?
Comparison Essay

Body Paragraph I - Point of contrast I.
Topic A
Support 1
Support 2
Topic B
Support 1
Support 2
Body Paragraph II - Point of contrast II.
Topic A
Support 1
Support 2
Topic B
Support 1
Support 2
Conclusion - summary of points, restatement of thesis, and a final comment.