Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Most Dangerous Game

Watch the movie (1932)

Guided Reading Questions for pp. 56-57
1.     How deep was the pit?
2.     Why does the author use the phrase “with flying fingers”?
3.     Someone died in the pit.  Who? How?
4.     What happened to Ivan?
5.     How did Rainsford escape from the dogs?
6.     How did the General spend his evening?

7.     Who won the game?
8.     Rainsford said “I am still the beast at bay”.  Explain what he meant.
9.     Why did the general bow to Rainsford.
10.  What happened to Zaroff at the end?

November 19-20
Task - Write an essay comparing and contrasting Rainsford and Zaroff.

Guidelines - Be sure to
  1.  Introduce both characters - background, appearance, lifestyles, occupations, etc.
  2. Describe the many similarities and differences the characters have.
  3. Using your answers from Guided Reading Questions explain how the conflict gets resolved.
  4. Discuss what you think Rainsford is going to do after the story ends and if he is going to turn into another Zaroff.
  5. Remember to use quotes if you copy from the text.
  6. Use proper writing conventions - spelling, punctuation, fonts, and format.


    chiki said...

    1.How deep was the pit?
    -the pit grew deeper,when it was above his shoulder.

    2.Why does the author use the phrase “with flying fingers”?
    -he wove a rought carpet of needs and branches.

    3.Someone died in the pit. Who? How?
    -rainford got the dod caught with the pit.

    4.What happened to Ivan?
    -ivan must be holdind the park in leash

    5.How did Rainsford escape from the dogs?
    -he thought of a trick, he kept running in circle so the dogs can't catch him with the smell.

    6.How did the General spend his evening?
    -He had a real good dinner ,With it he had a bottle of Pol Roger and half a bottle of Chambertin

    7.Who won the game?
    -Rainsford won the game.

    8.Rainsford said “I am still the beast at bay”. Explain what he meant
    -He meant that he is an best animal and he will kill him.

    9.Why did the general bow to Rainsford.
    -He is bowing to Rainsford because of his confidence of saying Rainsford will kill him. He is trying to say please try.

    10.What happened to Zaroff at the end?
    -Zaroff gets killed.

    narrative essay said...

    Narrating is a basic writing strategy for representing actions and events. As the term’s Latin root, gnarus (“knowing”), implies, narrating also serves to help people make sense of events in their own lives as well as events they observe or read about. From earliest childhood, narrating helps us reflect on things that have happened, explain what is happening, and imagine what could happen.